Working with executive leadership I orchestrated a team of creatives to build out a new IP franchise for Disney Interactive based on the Vinylmation collectible toy line.
Role: Producer, Writer, Co-Director
Additional: Creative Direction, Design
Pitched a pilot to executive leadership and turned an under-recognized product into a new transmedia franchise. Wrote the script for a 40 minute stop motion film, and led a team of directors and animators through year-long production. Conceived and produced an adjunct creative app for iOS and Android. Partnered with Google for exclusive Valentine’s Day themed distribution.
Winner of multiple festival awards, helped align first ever partnership between media giants, acheived millions of views/downloads, earned hundreds of thousands of 4 and 5 star reviews.
Executive Producer: Margie Gilmore
Lead Producer: Matt Wyatt
Development Producers: Merritt Davies, Zadi Diaz

Poster image and festival awards

Reviewing concept art with Art Director Gino Roy

CYO app in Google Play store

Lead creative team at premiere

Blank is a story of self discovery

An adventure tale of friendship